Whether the world ends tomorrow or continues for another thousand years; whether aliens are real or not; reality consciousness remains unchanged and is unaffected by these stories. I hope one day we will meet. He claimed to rip my family apart and kill me in the future and I would like to know your thoughts about this too. Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different (green-beige, like the face) and there are scale-like structures on the upper legs (over the knee) and upper arms (over the elbow). They are very strong and like to eat living flesh which makes them seem like monsters, which they are. I would also like to know more about our hair and its purpose. Understandably, an alien intervention on your planet would disturb their projects, but I dont think that they accept a confrontation with other species for it. Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges as a disk or a cylinder so that the field can flow more easily. Question: The seven stars in the second symbol youve mentioned, do they mean the Pleiades? ANYONE can talk about dinosaur this and dinosaur that and not provide any real meaningful information that could be confirmed by science. If you would only comprehend that, then you would be a step ahead in your development. Here in this picture I see above all no artificial object in flight; it seems much more to deal with only a light reflex in your simple optical cameras. (You have to know that the ships of this particular species can remain levitating in the air for a particular period of time even though they are damaged; that accounts for the spatial difference {in their crash locations}.) Even if we are experiments we learn to love to make the difference between good and bad. 11 from this universe, 2 from another bubble and 1 very advanced from a very different plain. Maybe, someday we can all come together and eventually learn from each other. The Bible is hardly the oldest religious book. This can cause no harm to us, but we feel much better in the sun. The camouflage effect didnt work on photos to answer this possible question of you already in advance but why should someone make a photo of the sky when he could not see anything unusual there. A Jeweled Lacerta hatchling's body size is as small as 4 - 5cm (1.5 - 2 inches), excluding the tail. Mainly, read metaphysical literature and the Urantia Book. You must understand that both species were interested in this young planet not for his biology and undeveloped species, but for only one reason: raw material, especially copper. I'm in fact insistent to the interview, and though it leaves a lot of questions, like why would they hide in caves. Question: Is there a scientific substantiation for paranormal powers, as for example with your powers of thought? You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. Question: Is this the reason for the abductions? One more thing, Im pretty sure a game programmer can easily imagine how feldraum looks like in their mind. Have you, Reptilians, some underworld under Slovakia or Poland? Therefore, comments of that kind Id sooner regard as amusing than irritating; they simply confirm in large measure for me my suppositions about your defined mode of thinking. Most of them in politics and running the show. I believe I rememberI dont want to specify exactly your datethat it was probably between 1949 and 1952 that there was a rather bad accident during some research being done on one of the wrecks. If I follow her lines my impression is that she wanted to see some sort of acceptance, reasonable response, or some activities from any organisation showing some sort of acceptance of what she said. Some of these opinionsall together there were over 14 pages of papercontained comments shaped by everything from a radically religious to a fanatical tendency to welcome contact with a reptilian species. Personally, decided to accept that there is the possibility of this other side. I would like to know more but I fear that my research will not get so many fruits. You rely on archeological and paleonthological artifacts which show you a wrong and short past, but how should you know anything about the six civilizations before. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. I have told you before, that we have more advanced mental abilities than your species and with more advanced I mean, that we are able to use telepathy and telekinesis from our birth on (in fact, mother and new-born child communicate generally with telepathy during the first months) without special training as you need it to activate these sleeping parts of your brain. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. The other exterior differences from your kind are minor and I think I must not mention all now, because most of them are not visible if we wear clothing. Time for Lacerta to come back to the surface and watch Unacknowledged, and DMT on Netflix. That I am talking with you now does not mean that others will follow my example. I believe this is a crucial step towards her kind communicating safety with our kind. I stood there in awe, as I always am looking at a creation. Though it is not easy. If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground installation belongs to our kind. Existence is always a duality. If one spends the time to look into other older stories of creation and the beginning times, one can see that many of the current and canonised bible stories are a retelling of much earlier events, for example, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nad Hammadi codices and the Sumerian list of kings. Question: What kind of clothing do you generally wear? If this alien species is alive living under the earth, why did she choose you? May God Bless You, and thank you for taking your time to make a well-written comment. We have lost most of this ability, but we can still feel temperature much better with this organ. We have not evolved wrong but you. Maybe it is advanced, but in my view it's advanced sociopath behavior. You ought to learn to solve your own problems yourselves or to become intelligent enough never to create those kinds of situations. En esta forma el Establecimiento est al frente tomando el control del planeta. Could you ask more about their soul and ours and their ability to astral travel in comparison to our ability? The diameter of the dome according to your measures is about two-and-a-half kilometers. According to my information, there have been a great number of deaths of your people because of intense radiation and field disturbances. Too much people are sceptics, they dont believe this story, but I have open mind. They are extremely nave, on the contrary. Lacerta belongs to an old reptilian race of our planet but it is not of the same renegade ET race that worked with the Anunnaki and the Luciferian Rebellion and with the shadow government in the secret space program. Now, lets call it primitive curiosity; I wanted to talk with the person in this cabin and so I knocked on the door. Then your species is more ignorant than Ive thought. Maybe no alien species will come and give us a helping hand, but maybe it's for the best, maybe that is the only way we will learn to stand as One. The caves you have discovered near to the surface are tiny in comparison to real caves and huge caverns deeper in the earth (in a depth of 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected with many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surface-near caves) and we live in large and advanced cities and colonies inside such caves. Our five fingers are a little bit longer and thinner than human fingers and our skin on the palm is plain, so we have no lines like you but again a combination of a scale-like skin structure and of the brown dots (both sexes have the dots on the palm) and we have no fingerprints like you. If you are aware that someone tries to manipulate your mind, you can only concentrate on that suspicion and try to analyze every one of your thoughts and memories. They are able to adjust the oscillations faster than you can change. I have seen some strange stuff in my life I cant explain. We can feel it, that Presence, and they can't. Whenever you close your eyes, then the field becomes flat, and alien access {to the mind} is immediately possible and without restriction. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. Everyone places labels on others within the human species, but would it even make sense to classify us as American or Russian if we were to compare ourselves to another sentient species? The idea that human-looking species are good and reptilian species are bad, is typical of the religious lenses and polarised views that unawaken people view life through. So, what reaction will Lacerta expect? I hope in an answer. The Lacerta Files - Extraterrestrial Life and The UFO Phenomenon - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums All Activity Board Index Unexplained Mysteries Extraterrestrial Life and The UFO Phenomenon The Lacerta Files Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! This is believed to be technology not organic in any way. The fate of your species was not really important for us, but we didnt like the presence of the Illojim on our planet and they didnt liked our presence on their new galactic zoo planet and so your sixth and seventh creation was the reason for a war between us and them. In this cabin I sensed a human consciousness/awareness. The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. We do not know details of agreements into what should or not be removed from the interview, no need to speculate. it was a very vivid dream, it indicated Earth would end by earthquakes if something wasnt done because of the 2 warring races from long ago. The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because our retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this. The Lacerta Files are condensed transcripts of two supposed interviews with a reptilian humanoid known as "Lacerta", apparently conducted by a Swedish "skeptic" with the pseudonym Ole K. The story of how this interview happened and came to be public knowledge is impossible to properly substantiate, but goes something like this: It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. I hope that one day we will learn more. harishh10 MP. But they are true, if you believe it or not. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. The external reproduction organs are for both sexes smaller than those of humans, but they are visible and they have the same function as yours (another gift of evolution to our species.). And so many questions rise of course from this interview, as, for example, why not asked, in the interview, descriptions or names, more intel about the 3 species that are specially nefarious to humankind (or did she ask him to remove that from the transcription, maybe, but, then, why?). The Fallen Angels of the Luciferian Rebellion that happened 200,000 years ago. Im 46 now and a few times every year since I was a young kid, Ive had vivid, coherent dreams of huge alien ships low in the sky and of the futile chase our planes enter into. Were you a believer of God before you met Lacerta? People feel a revolution in their souls and I believe it is because we have been controlled and lied to for so long from our own race. I dont give energy to those thoughts. Now, there is not only one level, but several. I have never heard of those two names you mentioned. You would laugh if you would know how many of the (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are totally wrong constructions of never-existing beings, because you used many bones which didnt really belong together and sometimes you made artificial bones if something was missing you needed to construct an animal saurian. Our destruction of this planet is to due to our economic and material systems which inflict damage on an aggregate scale, but on an individual level humans dont generally want to harm other life. Nationality, race, wealth and intelligence. By means of the fluctuation at the right angle with the induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. I would not call myself enlightened but I seldom meet other human beings who really get it. Something is wrong. In my gut I know something about this world and the things that happen around us isnt right, something clearly is blocked and is an illusion. I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. Religions are for mind control and their ideas of what is God are, for the most part, wrong. I would advice you to make some drawings. This new reptile was walking on two legs and looked at little bit like your reconstruction of an Iguanodon (it originated in this family) but it was smaller (around 1.50 meters tall) with some humanoid features, a changed bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb which was able to grab things, a different organism and digestion, advanced eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes and most importantwith a new and better brain structure. The Illojim returned within 23,000 years seven times and accelerated the evolution speed of certain of your kind. Some may not even know where planet Earth is, nor are interested in visiting it nor getting involved with its Ascension. If you want to find such an entry, you have to search it by yourself (but I would advise you not to do that.) We have passed on information to you in the last few years; according to what I know, we will keep ourselves as far away from the conflict as we can. I wish for our species to take the next step and understand that you, me and everything on this planet is connected, is One, and understand we are a part of a bigger organism than just us. If they seem friendly, they are not in fact, they are stealing you blind. Answer: No, but it is an interesting experiment for my social studies. This has been something that has greatly interested me since I have discovered it. These are parts of a transcript of an interview I've made with a n on-human and reptilian being in December 1999. Man has the corrupt politicians and criminals in power he deserves for his political inaction and apathy, lack of judgment, discernment and gullible mind. Hi, can you ask her if she can give any help or advice on medicine or health cures for humans? Personally, I prefer cooked flesh and surface fruits like apples or oranges. 941-954. Question: Youve mentioned skeletons of your kind. By the way, most of the surface-near entry points to our tunnels are also hidden with such a device and your kind will generally see only normal cave walls instead of the door. As we live today (and since thousands of years) nearly completely beneath the earth, you will not find any cadavers or skeletons of us. Interview with Reptilian female Lacerta (With Clear Audio and. Sienten ellos amor? Answer: I know that it would be helpful to prove the authenticity of this interview if you can make some photos from me. ANYONE can swear they are telling the truth, and it doesnt make it true. (*I take a breath and contemplate my words*). If you receive it, please send it to all your friends via e-mail or make print-outs and copy them. Politics? Since the para-layer is not confined to the body, it is not even a problem that the pencil lies over there, for I can unerringly reach it, even without moving my matter body. Answer: I have a certain feeling that you dont believe me, despite the fact that Im sitting here in front of you. There we can give the Lacerta Files original webpage address for reference. You remember this business of copper fusion? S, hay ms que hubiera sido bueno hubiera preguntado el entrevistador. Please send updates. Dont overestimate my knowledge, Im no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. What blows my mind is how most people on here automatically believe in a reptilian woman living underground from a posting by a stranger they never met but automatically denounce God and Jesus to the T. Man. Most of the species especially the more advanced are just studying you as animals and they are not very dangerous for you and for us and we work together with some of them, but three species are hostile, including the one which was in contact with some of your governments and exchanged their technology for copper and other important things and which had betrayed your kind. Disturbance in the structure of the field and bioelectric feedback. Climate change. Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of the American continent. The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal. We grow up with this kind of knowledge, we know how one makes use of these powers, and where they come from. To think we have a sister race on Earth who evolved long before us, is an amazing notion. This cave is dark blue or something like blue and something like glass or cristal cave. K.: The soul robbing was mentioned in one of the radical, religiously-motivated comments in connection with the reptilian species.]. Dimensions, as you call them, are a part of a solitary bubble, bubbles or universal foam are a part of a level, and levels are layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting in the capacity of single physical size, is essentially unending; it is composed of innumerable information-energy layers and general levels. She's not much older than i am. Her regression therapy reveals her subjects previous incarnated personality in a pre-Christ Essene community. Question: What will happen when the war begins? Of course at the time, he did not really recognize who I was; he was totally convinced that he was talking with a creature of his own kind, although it was simply only a mimicry image. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs. Dont you agree, this is also an example of the business regarding the question of good and evil? Should I continue? Rpondre. In addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a likewise hidden directory index. One day you will die and you will return to the Consciousness that you already are. If she wanted to warn us she would need to address the society in a way that her warning would be understood and accepted. This was around 10 million years ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually there were some minor changes in our look toward a more humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages, but we have not divided again into sub-species). Dont believe only in your wrong history or your scientists or your politicians. A minivan with British markings and the imprint of a Europe-wide supermarket chain parked in front of my house. One race called the Kenedaheim?, and the other called Lemderian? For example, there is a gigantic partially underground building in the capital which is totally dedicated to my species and that also has a direct approach to an elevator shaft and to an underground system. [ ] [ ] All-Star Superman [ ] Real Shapeshifters website Reptoids Research Center website The reptilian chooses to go by the name of Lacerta as more pronounceable than her actual name. If the human mind and consciousness is weak and the reptilian inducer is experienced in these things and was some hours in the sun before he or she tries to do it, then it could probably work for a certain time. Since the alien species has just not given you any more information since the disagreement, they are rebuilding the systems single-handedly without actually being able to understand what kind of dangerous thing they are doing there. Im just one example. There are secret teachings about such things, but Ive never learned anything about it. Yes. Therefore, I only have a single question to ask from Lacerta if Ole is reading this. Your projects decree that along with the alien drive field there also be a conventional jet engine system; therefore, they are always triangular and built thus with streamlining in order to be steerable with this primitive recoil principle. Schneider was a geologist working on the surface and drilled two or more tube elevator holes capable of taking one human down in each. I once again reaffirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. Hi, I would like to know how and where did you meet Lacerta. The Soviet Union technically have failed attempts of landing the moon: the greatest achievement made by human in space. The connection absorption with another consciousness/awareness is generally separate in the procedure from the simple influence of matter, since different consciousness/awareness fields work with different oscillations. No humans are no perfect, none of us are, and, yes, we need to evolve. Im someone whos been messing around with data compression since years. When I am driving, I slow down for a duck, giving the mother time to reach the other side of the road with her ducklings. The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). We are all fucked. Answer: I can try it. Fixing the tension between us and the reptilians. It is a mistake to think that all reptilians, no matter where they were born and live, are the same people with the same agenda of the New World Order for planet Earth. The explanation for that is likewise more than strange, but it is correct. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. But the details of that remain a mystery for the most part. Oleho. The name which appeared on the data and the directory index was E72UJ. A friend, who is a computer expert, could not make anything of this designation, and when I was about to show it to him, the directory index had disappeared. Again, it is not completely correct, but lets begin in this manner: Tangible matter on this side is mirrored in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} as a field with distinct layers. Is a man named Jo Conrad a controversial German author of conspiracy and New Age literature.Jo Conrads books are pretty much taboo in Germany because of him being accused . I cultivated the very, very unusual idea (for my kind) to show him my true exterior, something that I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the cabin. There is also a cord like your navel cord which is connected to a point hidden behind the back plates. Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and evolution of your species? Something like Serve us or Obey? This have various reasons, which I want not to discuss with you further, but one of the reasons is the keeping up of the secrecy of our existence, another reason is more religious. Read this in more detail in my book Brother Veritus Community Plan, available for free reading at http://www.bookemon.com, you may order there a hard copy if you wish to do so. It is indeed actually somewhat disappointing that many of you develop no especially strong individual self-conscience, for this would help you to overcome the conditioning. Our Packaging Solutions. Lacerta is not an extraterrestrial alien. One elevator shaft leads to a cavern near the surface, the other leads to one of our depots for the ships you remember, the cylindrical ships that is naturally concealed closer to the surface behind a rocky mountain face. I reviewed another language document for confirmation. This is extraordinary and a completely captivating dialogue. However, you can try this only with the more weaker species, not with the strong. I would like to meet if you can or could. Its why he had to create a literary device to respond to some of the scientific and philosophical questions, yet chose to keep the answers superficial enough to not betray his own attempt at a convincing story. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. It is of an old saying that a stranger is potentially simply a friend that we have not yet met along our life's journey. This is probably an entry to our world. They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters. Is there any word on Ole K or anyone he disseminated the original documents to for translation? I actually found this very interesting! Read David Icke. Tambin creo que es interesante saber ellos qu piensan del amor? It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. I wont even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there have been certain occurrences in the past which I dont personally welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. The Lacerta Files. Are we willing to give our life for the truth and for the lives of our loved ones, our hosts and other honorable beings? Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not Species of the Evil One, even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. We as humans have so much to learn. I think I ought to stop with this explanation. At the same time, it proves that magic does not exist but esper does along with Godel God Theorems. These things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you believe it or not. I have questions about whats esoterism. Thats one reason why Ive said that I doubt that you will be able to find such a secret door to our world (but it have happened a few times in the past.). Lacerta for me is hope for humanity. Lacertas mention of their cigar-shaped craft, ie: Five red lights, one on the top, one in the center and two (one on each end), thats equals FOUR red lamps, not five. This happened very long before your kind became really intelligent (as far as I have understood you). We have external round ears but they are smaller and not so curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive for sonic (we can also hear a wider range of sonic). Arguably most of humanity is this way. Just makes me giggle. Same with ants in the garden, I let them be. One was from Mars and the other native to Earth. I would love to talk to anyone there, not as an ally but as a friend. Why do you know so many things about that first war and about the evolution of your species? I was, am and always will be a knower that God exists. I know for a fact we are not doomed. It's just I try so desperately to talk to her. As a consequence of these attacks, the alien species ultimately withdrew from all contact with you and was understandably more than angered about your kind. All the same though, very interesting read! How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. But the fact remains if we lived hand in hand with the reptilian race both would prosper. You know, never kiss a frog or youll get warts. Question: You speak sometimes about underground cities and artificial sunlight. I notice that I am confusing you now. Answer: Do you see one? It was our planet before they arrived and before they started their evolution project with your kind. Around 1,5 million years ago, another alien species arrived at Earth (it was surprisingly the first species since over 60 million years. This one seems to be genuine, at least it displays the necessary characteristics. I think your species is not as bad as some of my kind thinks and it would be a pity to observe your end. The reason for that is simply that you lack the basic understanding for seeing the background reasons. I hope that humans will soon be able to live with all different races we share this beautiful universe and theres no reason we shouldnt be able to live together. All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. How hard would that be for a time-traveling multi-dimensional being such as yourself? This interview with this Lacerta had me at the edge of my seat. No, how should you know that. They are a different race, not human. As for those who deny the tech of endless compression, Kolmogorov Incompressible Theorem will be your undoing. Question: When you read these religious and animosity-ridden comments here, what do you think and feel then? CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. I always tell myself that the truth is the truth not bending the truth to fit the ideologies of a religion or some other imposed belief system! 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Construction of extraterrestrial ships addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a way that warning... Ahead in your wrong history or your politicians has greatly interested me I... Interested me since I have discovered it is the possibility of this other side hope that one day we learn... With a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters far as I have discovered.. Definitions taken from Climate change 2007: the greatest achievement made by in! What kind of clothing do you know, never kiss a frog or youll get.. Love to talk to her from each other Ive never learned anything about it love talk.
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