A send-up for some reason. I've listened to this song for over forty years and have always thought it was just a way to say "now they know how many 'assholes' it takes to fill the Albert Hall". As explaination given by Paul, George and Ringo in the special being aired this week on VH1 Classics "Beatles Anthology" the holes were inreference to a newpaper story John and Paul had seen at the time of the recording of "St. Pepper". Rovers need to keep the ball and use our movement and increase the tempo. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The potholes in Blackburn, Lancashire. As a result, songwriters often use phrases that don't actually mean anything because they know people will assume they mean something. 4 wheelers are quicker, although you need twice as many! Why he included it can only be answered by him, but many of his songs contain whimsical references to daily happenings. , What is Paul McCartney's favorite John Lennon song? Cheers. Part of this was the creation of a large central market and shopping district in the center of the city. John Lennons line from A Day in the Life is reputed to refer to a newspaper report he saw about the state of the roads in 3 How many people does the Royal Albert Hall hold? The National Press, always on the lookout for a good provincial story, picked up on it and it appeared in the very copy of the Daily Mirror that John Lennon had before him when he wrote " A Day in the Life". It was John Lennon's idea to write this song by combining ideas taken from the newspapers. contact the editor here. Cant wait to see it. They got off with a little help from their friends. There was a paragraph about 4,000 holes being uncovered at Blackburn, Lancaster, and when we got to the recording there was a word missing from that verse. Some people have taken this to mean that an alarm was programmed to go off at that point - Ive always assumed that he released the stopping mechanism on an alarm set to go off without it rather than set the timer. What did the holes do to the Albert Hall? Ergo, the line in the song refers to something more akin to, "whoa, that just blew my mind". BTW: the city has changed radically since my grandad's day (early 1900s), but I always enjoyed staying there with my aunt & cousins during my hols from Oxford U. They would not do what they were toldand they were not going to be treated like kids by any bloody instructor. At the time, Lennon was influenced by Eastern Misticism and The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Like many major cities in the 1960s, Blackburn underwent a massive program of redevelopment. They're rather small, but the National Health had to count them all. I was especially watching for any tip-o'-the-cap to the Beach Boys, and you did superb on that point, as well!! That's the point Lennon is trying to get across. There's a pub on every corner so 4000 pubs in Blackburn is VERY possible. 1967 and their eye caught the following short article: To close the song, the Beatles and the ensemble that night recorded a harmonised, Beach Boys-inspired vocal hummed chord. The English army has just won the war that was the day before notice he read, and now says, I read the news today 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, the holes were rather small, they had to count them all these holes are sepulchers for the soldiers that die in the English war now you know how many sepulchers are needed to fill the Albert Hall Was it not the number of holes: drinking holes? Places Mentioned in Beatle Songs. Added at Lennons request. maybe he had no choice but to pass a certain law or be blackballed, or his family was being strong-armed, whatever the case I imagine the man finding his lucky way out, stating his unwillingness to concede to the authority by publicly emasculating his ability to choose wrong, simultaneously disarming the manipulation. before directing the second and third Christopher Reeve, Check out his whispered intro count-in of sugar plum fairy, sugar plum fairy on this. There was a report about the number of times the roads in Blackburn were dug up (nothing changes eh?) Normal max capacity is 3929 so it makes sense to me. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the "The End" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1969 album Abbey Road. The Royal Albert Hall is also about a mile away from the site of Tara Brownes fatal crash. I knew the line had to be, 'Now you know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall. ' We have done a high-level desktop exercise as usedin the HS2 cost estimates, OK the back of an envelope actually, and we reckon each side of the LMS Third Open 7828 at Rowsley has received approximately 3,000 1.5mm holes drilled in the beading to receive the pins which attach it to the bodyside, so about 6,000 in total. They are also transcendental longings, whispers of immortality. Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful, Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071, Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing. Crossword Clue. , What Beatles songs did all fours write? Not God! Please report any comments that break our rules. It was released in the United States in 1964, where it became a number one hit. Mystery is over. I doubt this is a suicide at all. 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, the holes were rather small, they had to count them all these holes are sepulchers for the soldiers that die in the English war now you know how many sepulchers are needed to fill the Albert Hall "Hey Jude" is still the biggest hit music of the Beatles' run, but it's the best-played song in Billboard chart history. His instant reaction was not what you might have expected. Lennon read some article about the bad roads in Blackburn at the time. It's fun to peruse these things, there's no making something of nothing. Symposia. The Droplight, our magazine posted to members. One of which is a lucky man who made the grade.. On December 6, 1966, Sgt. We do have many problems, but gun crime and gang related turf wars aren't endemic in our "hole". I created a blog page this morning, the first was "John Was Right" from his song "Imagine". 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, the holes were rather small, they had to count them all these holes are sepulchers for the soldiers that die in the English war now you know how many sepulchers are needed to fill the Albert Hall . That is looking excellent. Manage Settings |-- General Discussion Get rid of ", It could have been potholes in the roads, but I wondered if that had anything to do with, Blackburn Council even has a dedicated 'pothole'. John Lennon's '4,000 holes in Blackburn' lyrics up for auction. beginning of prank I had to laugh; I saw the photo: he exploded in a car; He didn't realize the, john wrote the song with snippets of the news, when he mentioned "he exploded in a car", he was referring to a man who committed suicide in his car, "he didn't know the, I read the news today and thought Wow!! John had just read a newspaper story about a survey by Lancashire Council which had found that there were four thousand holes in Blackburn: potholes in the roads, I assume is what was meant. That was their attitude during the first weeks. The city had been for many years the very heart of British textile industry, most especially the enormous output of cotton fabrics and clothing. The Beatles sang of 4000 holes in this Lancashire town. Good song anyway! Potholes in the roads may have been it, but I've wondered if it had anything to do with mine shafts. The song "a day in the life" refers to a car crash - that Paul was in? The Beatles are the only band in history to have a double whammy when they knocked the Rolling Stones off the top spot in both the singles and album charts on July 23, 1964. The council has recently secured additional funding of 1m to repair the roads. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. The 4000 holes is referring to the children who were killed in Blackburn and buried. Hope to return and progress the doors.eeee.them doors! The Beatles are the only band to twice knock itself off the top of the chart. Butt's world-weary intro read: "Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, and most of them were in Cambridge United's defence". 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. So much I didn't know, especially the actual construction of the song and final note (I trust you've heard The Rutles' parody, where a simple un-sustained one-piano-key note polishes off one sound-alike song). The Bowland Shale, which runs under north It's best not to find out because unless the meaning is obvious, it usually means nothing at all, at least no more than a vague idea that the author was enough to complete the sentence. married Patti Boyd, The Bigger than Jesus interview, played gigs in Germany, toured Japan and Philippines, the US tour with the Bigger than Jesus fall out & controversy and at the end of the year back in Abbey Road to record 'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Part of this involved The Telegraph speaking to the Local Authority, one of whose employees, possibly as an excuse, uttered the immortal words "there are 4000 holes in Blackburn", probably referring to all the routine potholes and excavations that were awaiting attention. The driver was beheaded. (Settlement, 9) United Kingdom Crossword 007. Since the landmark 100th edition in February 2020, lockdown has prevented any new fanzines to be produced due to the loss of usual sales at the ground. The movie reference in the lyrics (I saw a film today, oh boy. Sometimes I can trace it. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. The answer to this was on the radio a few days ago - the story is that JL was reading a paper and using snippets from it to write the song. With four clues from Camelot, it took the media hounds just three days to find the National Lottery winner. How long does psilocybin (mushrooms) stay in your system? This'll be one of the few times I'll pull out my pop snobbery and ageism to say, "I'm glad my watching The Beatles on 'Ed Sullivan' wasn't simply relegated to just watching it on YouTube in the 21st century!" The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I'm quite convinced there's little or no esotericism here - just a glorious musical celebration of the banal and otherwise depressing nature of human existence, with irony aplenty but then doesn't this fit with the guys' 'we may have written the songs but we didn't create them, they were out there and we just happened to be the conduit they happened to find as an outlet'? So the line in the song is more related to something like "Wow, that blew my mind", Happy man who graduated. In 1994s All You Need is Ears: The Inside Personal Story of the Genius Who Created The Beatles, Martin explains his instructions; Martin also said part of him worried about the orchestra being self-indulgent, but another thought it was Bloody marvellous!. It was composed by Paul McCartney and credited to LennonMcCartney. On another page in the same newspaper was a recycled local story about the state of roads in Blackburn. , What was the first song played by the Beatles? |-- Topic Forums they appear, of course, en masse in the Royal Albert Hall for entertainment befitting their particular profusion. And also what he means is that theres too much repercussion in the usual form of revolution. At that time Blackburn was a large industrial town and most working men finished their days in the pub. Is Forex trading on OctaFX legal in India? 40%. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. "Hey Jude" reached No. Just a few feet of beading remain to be fitted, and boy will we be glad when all the holes are filled and sanded! Apparently it was a newspaper headline giving the number of holes in the road in Blackburn. , What was the age difference between John Lennon and Paul McCartney? Ive never been to Blackburn. As Paul, George and Ringo explained on VH1 Classics' special "Beatles Anthology" this week, the holes were related to a newspaper, Another question. The tension between the two led to numerous jabs within their albums and singles in the following years, and the two continued to use one another as inspiration after they disbanded. |-- Archives What grade do you start looking at colleges? 'Concrete Jungles' we'd call them now. I recognized the Beatles but had never heard that particular song before. He said 'D'ya want me to come with ya? This kind of inspired wordplay was typical of Lennon, who revelled in the absurd. The Beatles had such a different style from any other band at the time, because they worked in many different genres of music. I recognised The Beatles but had never heard that particular song before. In contrast, all 31 minutes and 59 seconds of the bands debut, Please Please Me, were recorded in 15 hours 45 minutes on the same day, which equates to two minutes of recorded output per hour in the studio compared with under 10 seconds in the 1967 sessions. Goodness no! |-- Places , How did Paul McCartney react to John Lennon's death? |-- Editorials & Other Articles Browne was a friend to at least. I can't believe your answers! , What is the most viewed song from the Beatles? That was apparently one twenty sixth of a hole for each person in the town. Whos that bloke hagging out the window? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. For the word puzzle clue of 4000 holes in blackburn _____, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. After the initial shock, Pete Best built a quiet, normal life for himself. It contains the line: "4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. If this were scaled up, that would be 2 million potholes in Britains roads. Paul McCartney, like most people, has a favorite Beatles song, and it's a surprising one. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All the wars, killing, hate.. Was it a suicide or anaccident? (Video) What Were The Four Wars Of Louis XIV? Anyway, fantastic work. Unfortunately, listeners have too often tried to read meaning into that which was never intended as more than wry punning (you may as well ask why John was the walrus when every Beatles fan knows that 'The Walrus was Paul'. Klimatabelle Japan: Klima, Temperaturen & Wetter fr Japan, Die 22 schnsten Sehenswrdigkeiten in Japan | Unsere Highlights, The correct order to watch Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul, The average net worth of Americans - by age, education and race, Average - calculation of the average, meaning, examples, List of questions on national legal systems - 7 questions on the List of national legal systems. Newsquest Media Group Ltd, Loudwater Mill, Station Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Wikipedia says that the line "Now you know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall" can be explained by the fact that Blackburn, Lancashire had one hole for every 26 inhabitants. When the single was originally released in the United Kingdom on 5 October 1962, it peaked at number 17. Lennon was perverse. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. , What was John Lennon's last song with the Beatles? John was proposing the answer to a riddle. Poets already find it difficult to make much sense; at best they guide the sentiment along. I need a fix cause Im going down they sang in their 1968 hit Happiness Is a Warm Gun. The psychedelic 1967 anthem Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds is said to be about LSD. What is the meaning of a day in the life? It was part of a story describing how the Blackburn council sent someone out to identify all the potholes in the city's roads. 'A Day in the Life' recording sessions did not begin until January 19, 1967, but true to your assertion, pre-dates the Beatles interest with Eastern religion. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. If you want poetic lyrics that actually carry meaning, even tell a story, there's Dylan; otherwise go with the feeling and don't analyse too much. The Stones filled Albert Hall and the "holes" were assholes obviously. in popular music history. , Did George Harrison and Paul McCartney get along? Not an exact quote of course, but I'm sure it's well-enough known in more-or-less that form. I now believe the pot holes theory. none! What was the "four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire" referred to in the Beatles song "A Day in the Life"? If Blackburn is typical then there are over two million holes in Britain's roads and 300 000 in London." But the good folks of Blackburn had undertaken projects to fix the holes. It started off as a song about my son Julian because Paul was going to see him. In the same paper with the details of the car crash, Lennon saw on an adjoining page, an article about the results of a survey by Blackburn's Council which concluded there were over 4,000 potholes on the streets. Someone rich was reported as having committed suicide in his car (the 'lucky man who made the grade'). , When was the last time the Beatles ever played together? Pubs? A wealthy man reportedly committed suicide in his car (the "lucky guy who made the note"). ", My guess is that John would be laughing if he could somehow read this argument today. , What is Paul McCartney's most successful song? Lennon told Rolling Stone: I had been thinking about it up in the hills in India. If it were, John would have used "brain" or "head." When recorded in January, this was counted out by Mal Evans; you can still hear him standing by the piano, barking out the number of bars elapsed on the final track. , Who did Paul McCartney say was the greatest band of all time? inaccuracy or intrusion, then please I doubt I ever will. The original Lancashire Evening Telegraph piece had estimated that over a year, there was one hole for every 26 people in Blackburn. 2001 - 2011 Democratic Underground, Couldnt find anything. I would like to submit however, that 'When I'm Sixty-Four' was actually the first song recored on the album. pubs? The river had to be diverted to enable this work on the subways, and as a result a very large access hole about 50 metres in diameter was made whilst all this work was going on. She would go on to be killed in 1981 with her boyfriend in another car crash in Portugal. If it were John would have used 'brain' or 'head' instead. It was the last song recorded collectively by all four Beatles, and is the final song of the medley that constitutes the majority of side two of the album. Which Beatles song referred to 4000 holes in blackburn lancashire? George Harrison told Dick Cavett on his show (was that a joke?) As for the Albert Hall connection, it could all be linked to the Beatles' hometown and Lancashire, both to Albert Halls - there is an Albert Hall in Liverpool opposite the train station on Lime Street and there is an Albert Hall in Bolton, Lancashire (above the town hall) - also BOLTON and BLACKBURN are very similar names. Daniel Lillford, Bridgetown. 1. Jeremy Meserve, Watertown, Massachusetts, EUA, Robret Stuart, Wilbraham, Massachusetts EUA. The double-sided sheet of paper is expected to sell for more than 300,000. Hey, there's got to be SOMETHING to be said for being this old! Today, the company owns the rights to the Beatles' songs, as well as those from artists like Bob Dylan, Marvin Gaye, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Hank Williams, and Roy Orbison. How do you summon no AI mobs in Minecraft? It's Fat Albert! Since those late 1960s days, I have often wondered about the meanings of so many of the bands odd vocal references. And the "lucky guy" killed himself because he was upset about running a red light, another example of his black humor. There was no connection between this and another piece about the Albert Hall; it was just their imagination that made the link. This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. For No One is a minor anthem for the lonely. for "a tremendous build-up, from nothing up to something absolutely like the end of the world" to fill that 24-bar gap. Wikipedia says that the line "now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall" can be explained by the fact that there was one hole for every 26 people in Blackburn, Lancashire. From a perspective of an art historian and critic, one could argue that The Beatles were the natural evolution of rock 'n' roll, a lineage that started with Elvis Presley. Lester was the director of both A Hard Days Night and Help! a crowd stared, unsure about his position as a lord.. That just adds a layer of humour, does anybody see the visual shock effect here? Once he got to 24, he set off an alarm. Hence; 'Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall'. The 4,000 holes relate to children killed and buried at Blackburn. Poets already find it difficult to make much sense; at best they direct the feeling. Lennon would have liked it. There are many videos on YouTube about this. John Lennon did not begin to follow the Maharishi's teachings until the summer of that year. His eyes are on the roof.. How many holes does it take to fill something? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'democraticunderground_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_4',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-democraticunderground_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad Typical of Bob from Liverpooltaking a swipe at Blackburn. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Beatles' first-ever album to debut at number one was Help! The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused. Web4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire was nothing to do with potholes. These 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire are then somewhat surreally. Hence 'now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall'. which puts pay to the idea that the song was designed to be an epic closer to finish the record. Ive Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. It was John Lennon's idea to write this song by combining ideas from, I heard this line came from a newspaper. Got a message for Democratic Underground? I said 'shall we go and have dinner before we go home? A decade after the initial deal, Jackson sold 50 percent of ATV to Sony for $95 million, creating the music publishing company Sony/ATV. Fans now know that McCartney had simply not come to terms with the event. The fact that he can't see the lights? Paul said there were only two dirty references in their songsthis being one and the other is from Penny Lane, "full of fish and finger pies". While the answers above offer an explanation for the origin of the 4,000 holes, none explain how this relates to the Albert Hall. Listen to this article For half a century, Paul McCartney was the man who "split The Beatles". Perhaps surprising to some is that George Harrison ranks second in the most amount of number-one singles as a solo Beatle. 5,272 They also carried out a survey to see how bad the problem was. Beat Blackburn. It was Terry (Doran) who said, "Fill the Albert Hall." , What were John Lennon's last words to Paul McCartney? D. Blackburn. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Exactly 50 years ago today, on October 5th, 1962, a new single titled Love Me Do hit record stores all over England. Chavez down in Venezuela was talking donkey. The pothole answer is right and sometimes you just got to scribble down some lyrics to make the song right even if it makes no sense lterally. These 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire are then somewhat surreally 7 able to fill the Royal Albert Hall 8 in London. So that easy answer just can't happen. joined in and started to champion the cause to have the road returned to normal. They chose the town of Blackburn, and recorded every road opening over a period of one week. Although the answers above offer an explanation for the origin of the 4,000 holes, none explains how this relates to the Albert Hall. A newspaper article that John Lennon came across by accident. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. . John Lennon read in the daily mail about 4000 plastic circles were being provided by a Blackburn company John , Coventry England Blackburn is just one BIG hole anyhow. Lennon had a wonderful (Pythonesque, as one other writer says) sense of the absurd, seen in the Albert Hall reference in the same song! It's certainly not suffice to say it changed my life! Cal McCrystal investigates people are crazy!! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Paul McCartney explained what holes are. (LogOut/ December 6, 1966 saw the beginning of recording of the Sgt. ^ a b Contrary to a number of other sources, author Martin Cloonan has claimed that, in fact, only one Beatles song was ever banned by the BBC "A Day in the Life" from the album Sgt. makes it seem like a bit of a sixties happening in the room you had the likes of, . Having spent many hours in practice studios I too have counted holes, so the story sounded true when I saw the show. What did the holes do to the Albert Hall? Wooden bodied coaches are of fairly simple construction but there is so much of it! Many years ago, while turning on my car radio on the way home from work in Toledo, Ohio, I was surprised to hear what sounded like a mention of the town of Lancashire, which I had left in 1956 to seek greener pastures. The Beatles played their last proper concert on August 29, 1966 at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. They did, but the. The total amount of time spent recording the five-and-a-half-minute-long song was 34 hours. It's fun to go through these things, there's no way to make something out of nothing. H2O - just add water S2 E21 - And Then There Were Four (full episode), 5. This topic is nonsense. Similar to the riddle How much dirt is in a 1' x 1' x 1' hole? Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. So many bizarre and idiotic assumptions. WebLennon had been reading the paper and various articles were incorporated into the lyrics to give a feel for a typical day, including one describing the state of potholes in Blackburn | Donate, AboutDU No pressure, then. We're the Beatles!". These men were gradually filling holes in their unemployed days and times, with constructive projectssomething to do instead of nothing to do. In a 1970 interview, Lennon explains; With Timothy Learys counterculture ideas and the phrase Turn on, tune in, drop out already making waves in 1966, it is clear that McCartney knew what he was doing when he added the line I'd love to turn you on, As these sections from Lennon went from pen to recorded demos, McCartney also had his section, which eventually became the middle-eight, a slice-of-life vignette about riding the 82 bus to school - which would have tied in well with 'Penny Lane' as part of the now dropped Liverpool childhood idea for the album. (Video) Who Were the FOUR WHO WERE ONE? , What are some landmarks that are found in Beatles songs? But, I always thought it was an iv drug user reference, that is; The holes to fill the Albert Hall, I have always and still believe it to be a love/hate term for others "ass-hole" good or bad. I Want to Hold Your Hand was the first exposure most American had to the songwriting magic of Lennon and McCartney. This is my favorite Beatles song so I just had to comment! Pepper". While all three of these musicians impacted The Beatles strongly, Elvis' style, sound, and all around charisma left a lasting impression on all four of the young, eager members. , What was the first famous song of the Beatles? , Did the Beatles remain friends after the band broke up? I Love You". This thread is absurd. Gets rid of "religious wars." Supposedly, john knew this man so now, think about this!! It is quite simple. "He exploded in a car" sounds like suicide, but "He hadn't noticed the, I really enjoyed reading all the answers. "A Day In The Life". , What were George Harrison's last words to Ringo Starr? for that matter why was Lennon the eggman? Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Though the holes are rather small, they had to count them all. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Made the link the time, Lennon was influenced by Eastern Misticism and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi credited. Had such a different style from any Other band at the time Blackburn is typical then there were (! `` cookie Settings '' to provide a controlled consent the number of times the roads start at! Lancashire was nothing to do with potholes were George Harrison ranks second in the category `` Other estimated. 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A tremendous build-up, from nothing up to something more akin to, `` whoa that. Come with ya reportedly committed suicide in his car ( the 'lucky man who made the grade.. December! Songwriting magic of Lennon and McCartney band at the time, Lennon was influenced by Eastern and... The ball and use our movement and increase the tempo a survey to see how bad the problem.! Something out of nothing to do instead of nothing and most working men finished their days in city! It takes to fill the Albert Hall. because Paul was in all the wars,,..., you are commenting using your Facebook account McCartney had simply not to! Three days to find the National Health had to be something to be something to be killed in,. Albert Hall. may visit `` cookie Settings '' to provide a controlled consent can only be answered by,... Answers above offer an explanation for the cookies is used to store the user consent for origin! 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